First of all, I'm not certain that this is curnowiana - that's how it was sold to me but I feel like it might be punctata.
Second, it keeps losing leaves. They yellow slowly from the tip until they just fall off. It started growing a new leaf recently and I thought it was doing better, but then it lost 2 older leaves in rapid succession.
It was in a spot that gets misted multiple times a day but doesn't stay visually "wet" for long. At first I thought it was too dry because the leaves would appear slightly wrinkled and soft at the base before they started yellowing, but now I'm thinking it was too wet, and I have moved it up to a higher, dryer location.
How much water does it want compared to, say,
Schoenorchis fragrans?
Angraecum distichum?
Pleurothallis dressleri? I feel like I have water dialed in really well on all of those, and all dry out slightly between waterings (but Schoenorchis dries the most, followed by A. distichum, and then my Pleurothallis dressleri a little less).
Any thoughts on care or species are appreciated.