so, i bought a mount of seedling ghosts and they arrived toasted - this thread is about attempting to save any.
there were supposed to be three seedlings but i scored (all relative) and got four. i
think two of them might be salvageable. please share any thoughts and experience that might be helpful
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
the bottom and the second from the top are the ones that appear viable.
this is the bottom one closer
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
and the top ones
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
my gut ( and general experience with leafless orchids) is that "Brown on the Crown and shut it Down" but i kept those two for poops and giggles
the mount is two layers of hygrolon over what some people call egg crate but it is fluorescent lighting diffuser at my Home Depot
i used zip tips (uv resistant from my diving kit) and you can easily blow through the mount and yet, when i placed it in a saucer of water it wicks to the top. should be as close to ideal as i can get.
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
Ghost by
J Solo, on Flickr
my plan was to keep it on the patio table, not under the fan, but other side of the table, it will be exposed to screen filtered early morning light until 9, then bright shade to 2 and then shade. It is 65% humidity on the patio going up to 90-100 depending on the time of day and rain. I intended to keep it resting in the saucer (1/4 inch deep by 4" across) and spray it with a dilute kelpmax and rain water mix each morning for now.
thoughts? (and prayers LOL)