
Come on everyone,
Lets get this list going. I've seen a lot of your pics, having orchids in your vivs. Whats working for you?...]
I've recently set up an orchid terriarium in the last 6 months and I've had really good luck with the bulbophyllum varities! I'm not quite finished setting up the tank, but I've already had 4 or 5 of them flower. I also have a few miniture cattleyas that are growing like crazy- but no flowers yet.
I purchased most of the orchids from Cloud's Orchids.
Some of the varieties that I have in the tank include:
-Bulb. Emly Siegrest-Elizabeth Ann x lasiochilum
-Bulb. longissimum
-Bulb. Wilmar Galaxy Star-lobbii 'Kathy's Gold' AM/AOS x dearei 'Elizabeth'
Cattleya Alliance Species and Hybrids:
-Bc. Maikai 'Louise' AM/AOS-B. nodosa x C. bowringiana
-Slc. Smile Again 'Hawaii' AM/AOS-Lc. Pink Favorite x Slc. Jeweler's Art
-Aerangis rhodosticta-syn. Aerangis luteo-alba
Pictures of the above in bloom can be seen at:
Cloud's Orchids
(I love their greenhouse visitation weekends, and they will ship to your door too.)
I've included a picture of my set up too.
Good luck with yours & enjoy!