Hi there,
i'm just bought a used, but in good state, 30 x 30 x 45 exoterra terrarium (11.8 x11.8 x17.7 for american guys

) and my idea is to set up a tropical enviroment:
Temp: 28-29°C (82.5-84°F)
Umidity: about 80%
As underlayer i'm think to use Orchiata (pine bark) and coconut fiber but everything some cm/in above the bottom to make water not be stagnant.
For the walls, inside, i've chosen Hygrolon (bought in France) to propagate moss on.
We have many PHalenopsis at home but never seen esotic orchids. Here large retailers just sell phalenopsis and cymbidium, and there are very few orchids shops.
Anyway my intention is to get miniature orchids and maybe some other plant like fern.
In few words, i really doesnt know orchids in general, much less orchids which can live in this conditions.
I accept every advice.