I got this lantern as a gift for Christmas.
I had been musing with the idea of mini orchids, and lusting after decorative lanterns.
Luckily someone in my family paid attention and got me this specifically for using as a mini orchid vivarium.
It's not very large and I haven't got any of the specifics down yet. But the background and substrate are done!
The light is a single 23 watt daylight cfl bulb mounted in the hood. I've got two computer fans that have usb plug in on standby. But they aren't in yet.
The background is cork, the bottom is a layer of lava rock covered by leaf litter.
The inside of the lantern is 16" high, and 10" wide and deep.
My birthday is in a week or so and I'm doing an order from Andy's!
My plan isn't specific, and I'm trying a few that range in care a little bit to see what fits.
The main requirement was that they were intermediate to warm growers, and liked to be quite moist.
What I'm hoping for is high light warmer growing plants near the top, and lower light cooler growing plants near the bottom.
A big challenge for me I think will be keeping this tank below 80 in the height of summer. I have no air conditioning.
I'm also trying to mentally wrap my head around keeping good air flow and high humidity.
Ok.... so. I know the pictures aren't that great.
It's like a cork canyon, with two main ledges, and a leaf bottom. There's a cork tube on the left, and a sheer cliff to the right. The top of the cliff has an overhang that makes a great natural little planter.

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