Has anyone tried these products for Humidity?
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Has anyone tried these products for Humidity?
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Old 11-15-2007, 12:23 PM
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And its not going to happen. The tropic air thingy is just an air pump which in theory will pump humid air. But no fog will develop. You will be lucky to see the glass fogging up with this system.
Sorry to hear about your door. I don't know If I can help with that. Do you have a picture you can show us?
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Old 11-15-2007, 12:47 PM
Becca Becca is offline
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Tindo, I should have been more clear, sorry, I meant the fogger that came with the orchidarium, which was a Ultrasonic Mist Maker Fogger for shallow dishes, was supposed to fog my entire orchidarium up, which it doesn't do. Perhaps my orchidarium is to big for it and it just splashes the water out over a 15 minute period of time. I am just looking for something to bring my humidity up more regularly during the day to around 70-80%, I am not necessarily looking to fog the entire orchidarium.
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Old 11-15-2007, 12:55 PM
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Go for a misting system. Or simply use a spray bottle set of fine mist. I use both on different vivs and humidity stays up around 95% + until I turn the fans on.
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:13 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by RPfeiffer View Post
Tindo, I should have been more clear, sorry, I meant the fogger that came with the orchidarium, which was a Ultrasonic Mist Maker Fogger for shallow dishes, was supposed to fog my entire orchidarium up, which it doesn't do. Perhaps my orchidarium is to big for it and it just splashes the water out over a 15 minute period of time. I am just looking for something to bring my humidity up more regularly during the day to around 70-80%, I am not necessarily looking to fog the entire orchidarium.
Becca, as I think we discussed previously, I have a three nozzle Mist King setup set to come on for 5 seconds every 5 hours. There is less than 1/2" water from drip from the plants and mist that lies in the bottom of the tank. Even though I installed a runoff hose, the water has never gotten deep enough to run out.

I suggest a one nozzle system (more can easily be added later if desired.) You then have to figure how to get the nozzle into the tank. As Tin suggests, maybe we can work together on this if you post a few detailed images of the tank construction. The picture on the Orchidarium website suggests the bottom is not glass, nor the top. Is this true? Can you get some pics to help us understand how this is assembled? Where I am headed is that even with all the air leaks from the doors, you should be able to hold over 90%. As you may recall from my article write-up, I have a thru-wall fan at one end of the tank near the top and two slots at opposite end near bottom that are 7" x 1/2" which equals the area of the fan blowing in. This runs at night for three hours. The reservoir in the bottom provides the moisture for that period while the plants themselves and the misting provides the build-up of humidity during day. Mine, right now is 89% right under the lights and 99% down at the bottom right over the reservoir.

I have one of those humidity fogger contraptions and they are a real waste of money. I agree with every negative thing you said about them.
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Old 11-16-2007, 11:55 AM
Becca Becca is offline
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Originally Posted by rsfrid View Post
Becca, as I think we discussed previously, I have a three nozzle Mist King setup set to come on for 5 seconds every 5 hours. There is less than 1/2" water from drip from the plants and mist that lies in the bottom of the tank. Even though I installed a runoff hose, the water has never gotten deep enough to run out.

I suggest a one nozzle system (more can easily be added later if desired.) You then have to figure how to get the nozzle into the tank. As Tin suggests, maybe we can work together on this if you post a few detailed images of the tank construction. The picture on the Orchidarium website suggests the bottom is not glass, nor the top. Is this true? Can you get some pics to help us understand how this is assembled? Where I am headed is that even with all the air leaks from the doors, you should be able to hold over 90%. As you may recall from my article write-up, I have a thru-wall fan at one end of the tank near the top and two slots at opposite end near bottom that are 7" x 1/2" which equals the area of the fan blowing in. This runs at night for three hours. The reservoir in the bottom provides the moisture for that period while the plants themselves and the misting provides the build-up of humidity during day. Mine, right now is 89% right under the lights and 99% down at the bottom right over the reservoir.

I have one of those humidity fogger contraptions and they are a real waste of money. I agree with every negative thing you said about them.
Ross, thanks for being willing to take the time to help me. I will take pictures this weekend....watering day is Sunday....so it may not be until then. But to answer a couple of your questions, the bottom is stainless steel welded together, I will take pictures of it. I have had water get under the liners and the water didn't leak out of the bottom, but did get into the tracks and then that causes problems with my sliders on the glass doors. The top is acrylic with two fans drilled in. The lights fixtures then sit on top of the acrylic glass. The stainless steel top is open on the top, it goes around the lights and the acrylic glass, it basically just hides the cords and lights keeping things looking nice and tidy. I just cleaned the dust off this morning from the top of the acrylic glass layer, and the underside of it which is inside the orchidarium was spotted heavily from when I have used the fogger....I guess the humidity must have left water dropplets on it. It wasn't a pretty site. I didn't realize the Mist King system put out such little water! Guess I didn't read the website well enough....I will read more into it and post pictures this weekend of my orchidarium. Thanks for all the help! I guess you are tired of me complaining....lol.
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