Tommy, I got my astrophora at Tropical Orchid Farm...
Tropical Orchid Farm They have Wonderfully Beautiful plants, at great prices! I can't possibly think any higher of them than I already do. Great customer service too, a small "mom & pop" type operation.
And, yes, normally I would say stay away from Lepanthes, but this one, is one that is very forgiving, and very easy to grow (I've had one (I have two now) since I first started really getting into orchids, & it is still kickin

). See my first post (or second?) I gave care requirements/how I grow & bloom it in that... Also there's a few old threads you can look up/search in the OB to see how other ppl grow them. (that's what I used to learn about it as well... Also, I had asked "king_of_orchid_growing about the care req. & he posted them on my visitors message page in my profile... When I have more time, I'll post those here
