Converting an old cage to keep orchids
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Converting an old cage to keep orchids
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Old 03-28-2013, 06:21 PM
Dave Deane Dave Deane is offline
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Default Converting an old cage to keep orchids

I currently have a 8' x 3' x roughly 26" high cage made from pvc with a glass front that I used to house some tortoises in for a while. I am thinking of converting itso I can keep orchids in it and was hoping to get some advice.

I mostly keep phalenopsis but I am hoping to branch out a bit from that. Just planning on keeping the plants light grating from home depot and to build some shelves with it as well.

My questions are what size and type lights would work best for this type of enclosure, and how many fans (size?) would be needed. There is already a misting system hooked up to the cage but I would probably have to add more tubing and a few more nozzles. For heat with the tortoises I used a radiant heat panel on the ceiling. Would this work to help keep the temps up when needed. Before I used it to create a hot spot for the torts, but I think it could be used to heat the whole enclosure with a fan blowing on it.

I don't think I would even need the heat panel most of the year but it gets pretty cold here in the winter months so it might be good to raise the temps up a bit then.

As for ventilation, I have 8 vents along the walls close to the ceiling. They are adjustable so I can open and close them as needed.

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

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Old 03-29-2013, 02:13 AM
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First; welcome to the board.
Second; is it possible to post a couple of pictures so we can see the set-up that you are working with?
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Old 03-29-2013, 02:51 PM
31drew31 31drew31 is offline
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Converting an old cage to keep orchids Male

Hi Dave,

Welcome to the forum! Photos would definitely help as I am having trouble picturing the case.

I have been using HO T5's exclusively and they work well for me. The other option would be T8's which are cheaper and put out less heat, but need to be kept much closer to the plants than the T5's. They will heat up an enclosed space relatively quickly, but this would probably only be a problem during the hottest months. With an exhaust fan and some misting you would probably be ok, especially if its in a basement or your house has AC. I like the Sunblaster brand of T5's which can be found at most hydroponic stores in Canada. You can daisy chain them up to 8 bulbs on one plug and they come with the plug and adapter (they do at the place I buy them anyways). You can also buy individual reflectors, which in my opinion are a necessity and increases the light directed towards the plants considerably. Two of the Sunblasters per shelf will probably suffice, especially for Phals, but some of the higher light orchids might need 3 or 4 to bloom reliably. Number of lights might depend on how cool you can keep the case in the summer.

Regarding fans, you will probably only need two, one for exhaust on a thermostat and one running 24/7 to circulate the air, but you can experiment more as there is no real guide line. I use cheap table fans from Walmart etc, and haven't had any problems with humidity. I use 2 fans during the day in my grow tent (6.5' tall, wide and long). One runs 24/7 and the other runs only when the lights are on (its used to cool a large light fixture). I also have a small computer fan that blows cool air from outside into the tent, but this is purely for cooling and doesn't really aid in air circulation and is controlled by a thermostat with a night drop feature.

Depending one your plants, you probably wont need any extra heating, as the lights will increase day temperatures and most orchids do fine with cooler night temperatures. Again this will depend on your plants, but the radiant heat panel could be used for the more sensitive plants.

Hopefully this has helped you and if you have any other questions please fire away!

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Old 03-29-2013, 11:08 PM
Dave Deane Dave Deane is offline
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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the tips on the lights and fans. Here is a pic of what I am thinking of keeping some orchids in.

The pic is old, and don't show the vents that I added along the back and side walls. 8 vents in total that can be adjusted. The cages are in our basement which gets pretty cool in the fall and winter months, and thanks to my seasonal allergies we have AC running straight through late spring and summer usually

I'm not sure how cool I could keep it in the summer time, but I think with the AC running all the time it should be fine. The tortoises I keep usually spend the entire summer outside so I haven't spent much time paying attention to the temps in the cages during those times.

I'm also not sure what I am plan to ultimately keep in there if I do use it to house some orchids. The phalaenopsis I have seem to do quite well on their own around the house and I enjoy having them out. I would have to research some more before I do anything.

Andrew from the RC forums? Mikes buddy?

Let me know what you guys think, if it seems like a bad idea I'm ok with that. Better to know now then to sink some money into it and regret it later.

Thanks guys.
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Old 03-30-2013, 08:10 AM

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Nice cages! just imagine how many phals would fit in them.
I use Hydrofarm lights with T5 HO in my orchid tanks and really like them.
My tanks are 60 inch long and one 4ft fixture is enough for them. Since yours is 8 ft - you might need two 4 ft fixtures, I don't know if they come longer that 4 ft.

My tank with phals uses 4ft 4tubes version, but I removed 2 tubes out because it was too much light for phals.
Here is a thread about my tank:

Also I don't think you will need additional heating because lights do keep temps inside pretty high. Mine are in the basement with ambient temps about 16 C and inside the tank with lights it climbes up to 25C when they are on, and then stays around 20C during night with lights are off.

Good luck with your project!
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Old 03-30-2013, 12:47 PM
Magnus A Magnus A is offline
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Nice cabinet!

Is it water tight? especially the bottom?

I would change the top to something clear and mount HO T5's on the top. They will heat up the cabinet during daytime and hopefully give sufficient with light for "lower" light demanding orchids in the bottom.

For fans you need something pretty strong to move the warm air in the top to the cooler parts in the bottom. I have found for myself with large cabinet that computerfans (12V) do not create enough "puch" to do the work. I would look inte a water tight bathroom fan and maybe build a ventilation duct on the side bringing air from the bottom out into the top part.

good luck and keap us updated!

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Old 03-30-2013, 03:37 PM
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Magnus, I don't think it's one giant box. Seems like each level is completely separate (floor and ceiling for each), and each would need its own lighting/fans.

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Old 03-30-2013, 03:46 PM
Magnus A Magnus A is offline
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Originally Posted by camille1585 View Post
Magnus, I don't think it's one giant box. Seems like each level is completely separate (floor and ceiling for each), and each would need its own lighting/fans.
In that case a set of T5HO on every "level" WILL heat up the cabinet to dangerous levels!
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Old 03-30-2013, 03:51 PM
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With the adjustable vents in the sides, plus fans, the temperature may stay reasonable. Or not. LEDs could be an idea, but that drives up the costs.

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Old 03-30-2013, 05:59 PM
Dave Deane Dave Deane is offline
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Thanks for the advice guys. Yep it is three separate levels and the bottom two levels are occupied so I would using the top level for the orchids. I will take a look at LED's, and see if I can figure something reasonable out.

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