How to remove mineral deposits on glass?
I have some mineral deposits on the inside of my glass tank (tub style), which makes the glass look milky. I tried vinegar (acetic acid), but only with limited success. Next step up would be HCl, but there are issues both with human safety as well as potentially damaging the plants.
Anything else to consider that is not too much of a health hazard and does not kill plants?
The last option is to dismantle the entire tank, do some serious spring cleaning of everything, and use HCl at that point in time. Then it can be properly rinsed before the plants go back in.
Just if anybody wonders, I use DI water, fertilize 1/week with 1/2 strength dynagrow, and once a week with 1/2 teaspoon epsomsalt per gal of DI water. The tank has been in operation for about 2 years.