Decided to tear down a fish tank (well ... the seam had sprung a leak) and set up a terrarium for some of my favorite orchids. Took exactly 5 hours and 15 minutes to set up. All I need now is the cork background, and a fogger/
misting system and of course some sort of insect/ amphibian to go with it! I plan to get a trio of poison dart frogs (only worry is that they could damage the orchids) or a pair of orchid mantis. At this moment, I'm leaning towards the latter.
Plant list:
Dendrophylax lindenii
Sophronitis Coccinea
Tolumnia 'Genting Angel' (X2)
Psychopsiella limminghei
Dendrophylax funalis
NOID masdevallia
The only other thing I might add a bulbophyllum moniliforme once the weather warms up to place an order.
What do you all think so far?!


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