Semi-Hydro in an enclosed area
I've been growing orchids in Semi hydro for about 3 years now and for 2 of those years they were grow in a bay window. For the last year however my orchids have been grown for the most part in an "Orchidarium".
I've noticed a few differences between the two growing enviroments.
Both enviroment I use about 1/4 strength furtilizer and KLN root hormone
-Higher humidity levels seems to allow for quicker root growth and make for easy transition to Semi-Hydro
-Easier light level adjustment(raise or lower the orchid within the tank)
-Way better air movement from the circulation fans
misting system
-Wife having her bay window back, makes for happier wife
-Watering more frequently due to higher temp and higher air circulation
-Algae growth has increase subtancially, still working on a fix for this
-Pests spread quickly in an enclosed area
-Increased electicity costs
New guy about to go in the tank
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