So this thread is about two things; increasing my understanding of how cloud forests "breath" and rain, and; figuring out how to achieve that in a terrarium with some limitations on my technology
first- i understand
generally that the temperature in a cloud forest is often widely varied but that the constant is a drop in temp at night that causes a dramatic increase in humidity to precipitate and make it colder (sort of, from watching NatGeo and such)
I am hoping that in my house (72F) using an enclosed 10 gal tank, and running an ultrasonic mister for some period along with a running water element i can create a false drop in temp at night - but how
second. based on thermodynamic, the mister needs to be at the top of the tank, this required a pump to make a res at the top of the tank which will also feed the water fall effect- the limit is that the mister cannot run WITHOUT the water - i can run water with no mist but not the opposite.
i have a 150w full spectrum led that is adjustable and i suspect i will be also masking the roof to further reduce light and at least mottle it
so what photo and mist period might be the most successful?
i was thinking that i run the light 14/10 the water fall 24/0 and the mister right when the lights go off for 20-30 minutes and then for 2-4 hours before the "dawn"
hope being that the light will be adding SOME heat and that will make the cycle work
i don't know if is it relevant but this will be a bioactive tank with a false bottom to reduce my maintenance long term
i have chosen Ecuadorian and peruvian species from 1000-2500 m (kind of a big range I know LOL) but i hope they all will be able to hang....the tank will have a LOT of moisture which i hope will also cool it