Thank you!
I'm thrilled to have won them both and I'm never participating in another auction ever again... Man, those last minutes were nerve wracking! Especially in regards to the P. equestris 'Orange' since I wanted it so very badly, the 'Blue Lip I just wanted badly.
I'm emotionally and mentally drained at the moment, too much excitement is apparently not good for me.
Judi, if the four equestris I've had for about three weeks are anything to judge from, I think they'll like living with me since these four guys have had some massive growths on their old roots. Usually I can't tell if the roots are growing or not except that the tips look green and healthy, but on these guys it's really easy to tell since there's a sharp definition between the old and new growths (on one of them the roots have even changed size and become fatter - it looks ridiculous

Camille, if it gets any keikis you know where yours might come from and the same goes for you Dan.
Now it's time to go to sleep and dream about my little equestris...