Phalaenopsis honghenensis
Naturally occurring in Yunnan China. This is a deciduous miniature epiphyte with variable coloured flowers. Most clones found for sale are rose pink flowers with darker lips. It was sold to me about a year ago as P. hainanensis but that species has longer sepals, petals, and lip. Many P. honghenensis have been sold as either P. wilsonii (but that species has a notched lip tip) or as P. hainanensis including prized specimens. This species has been exported from China in large numbers under the other names mentioned above. Published illustrations of P. hainanensis show flowers with longer/narrower sepals and petals, and many flowered inflorescence. This belongs to subgenus Aphyllae.
Ref: Phalaenopsis A Monograph by Eric A. Christenson
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti