I have had this plant for about six years and this is it's first time blooming. The spike was very slow to develop.
The blooms are large compared to my other species phalaenopsis - about 7cm across.
The most special attribute about this plant is it's fragrance - it is extremely strong it fills the room it is in, it makes me sneeze every morning when I go in the kitchen.
The fragrance is the same as speciosa and tetraspis a musky plastic smell - not floral at all.
Agree with that patience! That's a long wait. And beautiful flowers. Musty plastic smell... ummmm, not so nice.
It was only a seedling when I bought it - so it's just sat in the background for all this time - the smell is just strange not pleasant or unpleasant just different.
That's really nice jcec!
I just got a zebrina. There is an ongoing taxonomical debate as some think zebrina is not a stand-alone species but a sub-species of sumatrana.
That's really nice jcec!
I just got a zebrina. There is an ongoing taxonomical debate as some think zebrina is not a stand-alone species but a sub-species of sumatrana.
They look different enough, zebrina always appears with much more white, i think I could accommodate both
It's beautiful! Congratulations on finally getting blooms. Sometimes, our patience with these orchids does pay off. Flowers that are 7 cm across? Wow, that sounds absolutely huge for a species Phal.