Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
I can't beleave a couple of those begonias. Haven't grown them in eons, since my grandma was turning me on to begonias as a teen. What is that last weird-ish one? I don't recognize it.
the last one with my hand in the pic is a begonia 'black raspberry' or so i was told by the person who gave me the cutting.
it is not black and the notes on the black raspberry say 3-5 inch leaves and these are pushing 10" across....i think it is a NoID lol
---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------
Originally Posted by estación seca
The cathedral bells is a Kalanchoe. Is it the kind that forms zillions of little plantlets at the leaf notches? I can send you other kinds if you like. The plantlets fit into an envelope and live even if somewhat squashed.
You may know this - you can eat luffas just like summer squash when they are small. When they get too big they're stringy.
Not clear on whether you're asking for names. The last tree is a loquat, Eriobotrya japonica ("Wooly grape from Japan".) In Spanish it's níspero.
I have a few and there are some i have heard are toO happy in florida so i dont want an invasion LOL
what is a luffa?
i love loquats, those are the first fruit of that tree! very exciting when a 5 year investment starts to pay