Sorry for the late reply, been busy.
I’d love to grow my orchids outdoors but unfortunately AZ’s got some extreme temperatures & crazy weather, absolutely love your orchids though! I’ll dilute the fertilizer and use it weekly instead just to see how that works, thank you for the advice! & thank you for letting me know about the Urea N. I still thought that orchids couldn’t process that properly. Along with having a similar formula to other general fertilizers, I thought they would definetly be different, I will definitely keep that noted. Another question, sorry, what medium would work for my Miltonia? I heard that Miltoniopsos and Miltonias have different care setups, wonderinf if that also included mediums & repotting. Would 50:50 MiracleGro coarse mix & Spagnum moss work? Feel free to lettimg me know anything I need to change or add to the medium, or also what you guy’s have used successfully! Thank you for the help