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Old 03-05-2017, 06:31 PM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Orchid Sunday Female

Well, John, we are miles apart and both have viruses. A quick search on the internet tells me that I either have some serious disease or dementia (ES and bil might agree with that).

Today was a warm but, not sunny day. The county dumped rip rap on our West Bank to stop erosion. They buried my Stella D'Oros and daffodils. I dug them out and weeded out the henbit ( nasty stuff).

Then I tackled one section of flower terrace before the daffs got very tall. I pulled up the old Ornipet stems and hauled away three gator loads of debris. The Chief cut down a huge plot of Arundo. We are on top of it for a change.

Otherwise, I had to water a little (always the mounts, John) straighten the house and skim the depressing Chicago Trib. A lazier day made sweeter by waffles.

I hope spring is breaking for you all and you enjoyed the beauty of the day!
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Old 03-12-2017, 01:50 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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3.12.17: A Happy Orchid Sunday to all! Today’s a kind of grey one in Georgia. It’s overcast and just 40 degrees right now which is absurd after the beautiful days we had during the week. Of course, since I’m working today it doesn’t really matter. At least I'm pretty much over the Crud I mentioned last week!

It’s been a sort of slow week with my orchids. One Phal, corningiana, is opening but nothing else new this week. Looking at buds, though, next week may be better. I’m especially excited that all 4 of my mountings of Zygostates alleniana are near bloom. I really adore this teeny species. On Tuesday, my day off for today, I’ll repot several Phals. Speaking of that, is there a task easier than repotting a healthy Phal? It seems like you can do almost anything to the plants when repotting without disturbing their growth or blooming.

My new Minis area continues to be a lot of fun. A large part of my reason for setting it up was, of course, miniature Phals, but I’ve filled it with a number of genera. My intent/hope was that by exploring new genera I’d discover which I could keep alive and which I would probably kill. So far, though, everything I’ve stretched into has done quite well! The Zygostates are in the area, of course. I’ve got to get a pic of Encyclia garciana and Phal fimbriata flowers, both of which are quite interesting.

Well, enough since I’m at work. I sincerely wish you all a Happy Orchid Sunday!
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Old 03-19-2017, 02:43 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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3.19.17: A Happy Orchid Sunday to all! The weather here in Georgia has returned to a delightful seasonal norm, at about 60 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. And I feel like taking a nap.

I've had a good week with the orchids. The plants in my new mini area are all doing happy orchid things, with new roots, new leaves emerging, and several new spikes - for example, my Haraellas had been droopy and dragging in my kitchen grow window but both have been busily rooting and one has produced two new spikes. A Phal parishii seedling now has two blooms open, and I continue to be enchanted by the fragrance of Encyclia garciana. I think that this new grow area may be just what my minis needed.

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about how we attain success with our orchids, and even what success is. I think, in the end, we're all after healthy plants which produce nice flowers. The methodology we follow may be quite different from those of others who have success with their plants. One thread this week concerned soaking plants versus flushing the pots. Another discussion could be about what medium we use. Such discussions can get heated as we try to convince others that our way is better. But is it? A lot of growers soak their plants and have great success. I have a number of plants growing in sphagnum which are thriving. In the end, if a method doesn't harm the plant and the plant grows and produces then the method is successful.

Finally, this week I was the very fortunate recipient of a large box of orchids, sent to me by another member here (I'll leave him nameless for this post). He says the plants were, for him, a learning experiment, something I admire. Some of the plants will take some TLC for a while, but they're some great species - and several of them are actually larger than my own plants of the same species! To me, receipt of these plants is a true honor, and I sincerely hope to thank the giver through keeping these plants happy. Thanks Dan.

Happy growing!
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Old 03-26-2017, 09:57 AM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Default Grateful

I want to revive John's thread with a twist. I want to send you this message: I am grateful for you all. You have made me a better grower and brought a difference to my life. John, ES, bil, rbarata, thanks especially with putting up with my excessive nattering and holding my hand. Charlesf6 and cheddarbob14 for my teasing and Sharon for reinventing age. Saturday in the middle of yard work wild turkeys ran across our yard and I to wanted to tell Tindo!
When I'm stressed, you are all there to take me off topic. Some of us have/had work where we made a difference but, sometimes we don't hear it. You are all important, your lives all count, and you have made a difference to me. Thank you. No matter where you are I hope your Orchid Sunday is beautiful, and you find something to be grateful for!
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Old 03-26-2017, 12:29 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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No need for thahk yous, Dolly.
Keep being as you are.
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Old 03-26-2017, 03:45 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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3.26.17: Carol's comments above cover a lot! This community is a special one and friends here are special people. So well put, Carol. What Carol has forgotten is that for anything she's received, she has given so very much more. She and I don't advertise our friendship here but I can say that the support and kindness she's given me are invaluable and dearly appreciated. Thank you Carol.

Today in Georgia is another beauty. We're in the low 70s now, and sunny with poofy clouds. I've opened windows and turned off humidifiers and am still reading about 60%RH. The feel of Spring has swept in, and it's quite uplifting. The dogs and I are enjoying it.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a photo of Phal. parishii, a plant with its virgin bloom. It now has 3 flowers - all it'll get - and seems quite happy. My larger, older parishii has 4 spikes and more buds than I can count, the first of which is probably a couple of weeks from bloom. I don't have a favorite mini Phal but parishii sure is cute.

Last week I mentioned some plants I'd received from a friend here. One of these was another parishii, and I'm quite worried that it's not going to make it. Several of the others, however, look about as healthy now as my other plants do. I'm not sure if I'd call these "rescue" plants but I'm approaching them as such; I've never before grabbed more than a couple rescues at a time. Losing a plant under any circumstance is, to me, a minor tragedy, however, taking a rescue and seeing it return to health and bloom is such a delight. I'm pretty optimistic about most of these. Thank you, Dan.

Otherwise, it's a slow day during a slow week. The hi-light of the day so far may have been my trip to the grocery store. Or perhaps doing laundry. Loads of it. Mostly, I'm trying to keep the afternoon from reaching evening. This evening my beloved UNC Tarheels play Kentucky in a rematch game, the winner going to the Final Four. Kentucky beat us (103-100) earlier this season, and quite frankly this game scares the heck out of me. GO HEELS!

Finally, back to Carol's point. Thanks for starting this, Carol! The past year has been tough for me. My health and I have been battling one another, and I'm finally starting to have many more good days than bad. I intend to keep it this way! As of four days ago I am officially, legally divorced; I haven't yet figured out if I should mourn or celebrate. There are people and things which have kept me grounded, though, and gotten me through. My family, especially my daughters. My dogs. My orchids, who (not which) for whatever reason have grown better for me this year than ever before in my orchid life (38 years). The people here who have grown from friends to family, and who have given me suggestions and ideas which have not only benefitted my plants but also ME.

Those who know me know how important my three dogs are in my life. For about 8 years now, Cassius the boxer has been my friend. In my first life on the OB I had a dear friend, Sonya, who shared my love of pets. Sonya sent me a notice of a poor boxer in a shelter a few counties away who was scheduled for euthanasia two days later. So the following day I drove to Floyd County, where the dog immediately crawled on my lap and started licking me. The woman working there saw that, and simply said, "I'll go start the paperwork. Come in when y'all are ready." I nursed him through heartworms, but he's nursed me through heartbreaks and so he wins. Soon after Cassius came to my home, various events and circumstances took me away from orchids for a while and I lost track of Sonya, though I often thought of her, and how her compassion led me to my friend. I've only just realized/discovered that MY Sonya, my sister who united me with this delightful animal, is none other than our SuperModerator WhiteRabbit! The gifts of Orchid People don't have to be orchids, or even orchid information, to make a huge impact on another's life. Thank you Sonya!
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Old 03-26-2017, 04:29 PM
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Great story.
May the bridges I've burned light my way.

Weather forecast for my neighborhood
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Old 03-26-2017, 04:31 PM
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It is a nice forum, isn't it? Cute story about how you met Cassius. Our dogs have always gotten the same billing as the children in Christmas letters and even professional photos. The kids and husband understand and agree. The fur-kids are definitely a part of the family.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day! The weather here is gorgeous.
I decorate in green!
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Old 03-26-2017, 06:27 PM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Well, I thought of you all today as I wrangled that huge cymbidium. It was Laurel and Hardy repot ( that's lost on some of you). I now have two 10" pots, several starts to share and quite a story to tell. And, bil, I have not had time to tackle Sharry Baby yet.
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Old 03-26-2017, 09:04 PM
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Did you drop the piano down the stairs, or hit the Chief with one end of a board?
May the bridges I've burned light my way.

Weather forecast for my neighborhood
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