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Old 01-01-2017, 06:17 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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The fact that you took higher math, and understood it is epic to me. I only have room in my brain for so much and Trig never got a toe hold! I now hold you in awe.
Well, thank you. I've always been a science guy and consider math as the universal language that describes everything.
I'm honored by your words.

jkofferdahl, glad it was not an HA.
I check my cardiologist twice a year. 4 years ago I spent 3 weeks at the hospital where I was diagnosed with a PFO.
Never had cirurgy and never wanted one so I take anti-coagulants to prevent major problems.
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Old 01-01-2017, 06:23 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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Originally Posted by rbarata View Post
Well, thank you. I've always been a science guy and consider math as the universal language that describes everything.
I'm honored by your words.

jkofferdahl, glad it was not an HA.
I check my cardiologist twice a year. 4 years ago I spent 3 weeks at the hospital where I was diagnosed with a PFO.
Never had cirurgy and never wanted one so I take anti-coagulants to prevent major problems.
PFOs require watching but rarely surgery. Hopefully yours will not lead to any issues!
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Old 01-02-2017, 09:24 PM
pipsxlch pipsxlch is offline
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Jkofferdahl, IF your dogs don't eat things (I've been very lucky with some of my buddies) or if your plants aren't near where the dogs are and they wouldn't eat bodies, I recommend a Farnam product called 'Just One Bite'; it's on Amazon. Worked well for me with mice and squirrels.

I'm glad your scare was only a scare! I have AVSD complicated by a clotting disorder and scarred lungs leading to RHF myself. More than any of the locals care to deal with, oh well!
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Old 01-08-2017, 02:18 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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1.8.17: I wish the happiest of Orchid Sundays to all! Here in Georgia we're having absurd weather - real winter! For the second day in a row the temperature won't rise to freezing, though today at least we'll reach the upper 20s. I've not seen a cloud in two days, so despite the cold it's beautiful out.

The dogs are quite content to be indoors today, though my boxer didn't seem to mind being out. Right now, two are up front in the living room, probably the warmest room in the house. The third, my most loyal friend, is at my feet (and actually blocking them from my radiant heater). None of us plan to go anywhere today.

My favorite part of a day off such as today is the time I get with my orchids. Virtually all of mine are Phals, so there's a lot of activity this time of year. I am most impressed by a large NoID yellow I have. About a month ago I knocked it off it's perch, and in doing so I broke the blooming ends off of both spikes. Almost immediately, though, both began new growths from high nodes. To celebrate this, I managed to again knock the plant over and thus broke off the new growth of one spike. A week later, though, I noticed a brand new spike setting above the twice-broken one. The plant now has a spike just about to bloom, heavy with big buds, as well as a new spike that's perhaps 8" tall growing beside the twice-broken spike which now has TWO new shoots coming from it. This is one determined plant!

Meanwhile, I continue to discover growth. I've gotten better root growth this year than I've ever before seen, which I feel gives my plants a fantastic foundation for this year's growth and development. This week I'll go buy some nice larger pots for a couple of huge hybrids in need of repotting.

Well, on to playoff football and laundry. Happy growing to all!
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Old 01-08-2017, 02:51 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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Wheater here is getting into the coldest time of the year too, with min 36 F last night (2.2 ºC), with frost, and not going over 59 F max (15 ºC). The sky is completely clear, really bright days with lots of sun. I don't like it, cold in the shadows and hot in the sun.
In the morning I had to get up early to put my laundry catching some sun 'cause I need some of it to work tomorrow.
I also watered some of my phals today, almost all of them in spike. One of them has two old spikes and a new one growing strong, all of them full of little buds. I hope they won't blast.
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Old 01-08-2017, 07:43 PM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Well, Honey is watching football (I suggested he watch since he tackled two nasty projects for me this week). It's been a lazy, lazy day. Can't remember one like this unless I was sick. I watered yesterday but didn't water the Phals. Too cold and they were heavy.

Tomorrow I am going to a small grower west of here with my dear lawyer friend. I hope I come home with something nice. One. I potted my Amaryllis and Estacion advised me on saving my frozen clivia, so I have bulbs all over !
John, I hope you are warm and dry! Rbarata, it is that cold in Spain?
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Old 01-08-2017, 07:56 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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Originally Posted by Dollythehun View Post
Well, Honey is watching football (I suggested he watch since he tackled two nasty projects for me this week). It's been a lazy, lazy day. Can't remember one like this unless I was sick. I watered yesterday but didn't water the Phals. Too cold and they were heavy.

Tomorrow I am going to a small grower west of here with my dear lawyer friend. I hope I come home with something nice. One. I potted my Amaryllis and Estacion advised me on saving my frozen clivia, so I have bulbs all over !
John, I hope you are warm and dry! Rbarata, it is that cold in Spain?

Carol, for Atlanta it's cold but for where you live it's downright balmy at 27 (one degree colder than Oslo, Norway). Whenever I feel cold, though, I check Antarctica, where it is presently -24; I'd like to live farther South, but perhaps Antarctica is a bit too far!
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Old 01-09-2017, 01:03 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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Originally Posted by Dollythehun
Rbarata, it is that cold in Spain?
In Spain I don't know, but here in Portugal, where I live, yes is that cold.
And this morning, when I went to work, it was 30 F (-1 ºC). These are frequent min. temps for Jan and Feb around here.
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Old 01-09-2017, 01:53 PM
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It was 7 degrees F this morning here in CT (-14C)... this kind of weather (along with my fever) are making me wish for spring/summer!!
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Old 01-15-2017, 01:48 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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1.15.17: A Happy Orchid Sunday to all! Here in northwest Georgia it's close to 70 degrees, clear and sunny. This kind of day is why I live in Georgia - though sadly I'm at work and can't enjoy it. Amazingly, a week ago today the temperature never rose above 20!!

It's been a good orchid week here. The first of six immature, too-small-to-bloom Phal schillerianas has opened its two flowers while all of the other too-small-to-bloom compatriots are bud-laden. Well, laden is a bit much: one has just a single bud and the most budded of the schillerianas has 4. Being a Phal Phreak, this is a time of year when my plants are going nuts, shooting out spikes, roots, new leaves, and joy. I can honestly say that I am getting better growth and production from my Phals than ever before in almost 40 years of growing! Several have produced multiple spikes already this year, while in my previous years getting multiple spikes was an extreme rarity.

Well, since I'm at work I'd better do my job. I hope that everyone has a great day today, and that your orchids are madly abloom!
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