Always liked the flower, but I didn't have any skills (lazy, didn't care that much) and my hubby was the one taking "care" of them. He's a person that thinks 'a flower is a flower' and same goes for all of them; fill pot with water, wait maybe two weeks, and then fill it again- repeat…
Needless to say, but yeah- he killed his share of orchids. I think my house is kinda like a place plants come to die 😜
But then something happened- the ones that survived, had really adapted well. Because they had never been repotted, the mix was all broken down, and because my hubby drowned them they really had to adapt really well in order to survive. Roots, and then I really mean Roots with a big 'R' 😎 and they started growing sideways, trying to survive the bad conditions. Got bad burns from sun, but they kept adapting. One day I noticed these 'survivors' in my windows- oldest from 2008. And I just fell in love- I noticed their weirdness, the crazy in nature adapting. Then they bloomed, and I noticed their beauty. I started caring for them, trying to let them be wild, and crazy- but in better condition. But still like nature made them- I let them grow the way they want, trying to not support them- I think they can show me how to grow them. And I started to "listen" to them, and I actually do have skills. I never knew- but I do have some skills, and its called 'love' or maybe 'passion'. I just really, really love orchids💕
When my orchids outgrew my kid😂 And welcome to 'keiki village', a surviver.
And even being abused like this for years, they bloomed for me
One guy decided to panic, and flowered on a keiki- poor thing, was in really bad shape when the keiki started growing. But I started caring, and they started 'shining'. What's there _not_ to love about that?
That kinda got me hooked😎😜
And 27.07 I visited my first orchid nursery (or whatever you call those places that just makes you speechless and all "woooooow" star-struck and confused seeing all those beautiful plants).

(Lol, I kinda took some home- couldnt resist)
Yeah, and now I'm working on setups, and started repotting some.
Sorry, I'm one of those chatty ones, but I guess you've already noticed that
What I really love about the plant? How unique they are. So precious, and if you let them show you their own way of shining- then they reward you with the most beautiful flowers in the world. And all so different, but still beautiful in their unique way of growing.
But if you try to treat them all the same, try to force them to fit what fits most plants- then they might not shine that much. And they soon just sit there in all its misery, looking like a misfit. Once you learn it require a slightly different environment, its worth the little extra effort. They bloom like nobody else can, if you just give them a chance to show you. Lovely plants, huh? 💕😊
Yeah, btw- kinda like people😉