So yes, the Orchid Show was fun!!!
I must admit I was a tad disappointed because there weren't many Paphs, my personal favorites, but the other displays were AMAZING! The few Paphs they did have were behind glass enclosures and were absolutely breathtaking. I highly recommend checking out the show if in town.
After the exhibit, we ventured to the garden shop. My little daughter selected a cute while and pink Phal. I wasn't in the market for a Phal, and yes, it was very overpriced, but the proceeds go to the Botanical Gardens so I did not mind.
I was searching hi and lo for some Paphs. I had been VERY patiently waiting for quite a while for a new orchid and was hoping to find one at the show. The Paphs they did have were not in very good shape. They were either at the end of their bloom cycle and just looked kinda beat up or were obviously man-hadled. Well, all except for one

, but this particular one, an Icy Icy Wind Crystal x Winston Churchill did have a bloom, but it was shyly closed. I guess other orchid enthusiast don't like surprises. But, I fell in love with the prospect of a new delicate bud with a white dorsal sepal and some flirty burgundy and green peeking through:
Honestly, I could not understand how no one else had grabbed it so I did before anyone else could. As I perused the rest of the store, I had this plant in hand the whole time:
I got home and carefully transplanted it into my new mix of Seramis bark mix and some Sphag since I have recently learned that this being my first full growing year, my house is DRY DRY DRY. Anyways, today she is opening up:
By Friday, she should be fully expanded, but so far, I am extremely happy with my new baby!