I got this one from Andy's at the San Jose Orchid Expo in 2012 (beginning of June). It was a complete impulse purchase - I thought I was done buying for the day ... but I saw this one with it's tag indicating it being a cool to warm grower and having low light requirements ... I grabbed it quickly!
Last year, it had two spikes blooming - both started within a month of purchase -
SLOWEST SPIKES EVER! - 6 months from tiny nub to blooms

. Since the spikes started so soon after I got it, I couldn't really 'take credit' for them - but at least the plant was happy enough with my care to make it to bloom six months later ...
So, only one spike this year, but I know the spike is mine!

And, 31 blooms - so not too shabby

This spike started in July, so six months again to get to blooming - I believe that is typical for this species.
This is mounted on a (cedar ?) shingle, hangs in my north-facing kitchen window. There's a pretty good pad of sphag on the mount, which I try to ensure remains lightly moist. Blooms are approximately 3/4". Leaf span is approximately 7" tip to tip.
I'm completely infatuated with these blooms - I love the shape of them, and how perfectly they line up!
Thanks for looking (and reading my rambles)