Coconut Chips from Ray
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Old 09-24-2011, 12:54 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Coconut Chips from Ray Female


We hate to see you leave the OB as your questions have been very good and thought provoking. Although I have been growing mostly Cyms for over 40 years, I always keep my eyes open to new ways of doing things and enjoy sharing what I have learned over the years with novice growers. New fertilizers and new mix components have changed the tried and true way of doing things for better results, both in growth and in blooms. That is not to say I instantly switch to the "new ways" but I think of how it would work, or not, for my growing environment.

For instance: I have used epsom salts as an additive to my fertilizer several times a year, but would never have thought of adding it to my CHC soak water. I have never used a DS meter to see if my fertilizer was actually at the best ppm for growing. These are but two ideas put forth from experienced growers on the OB whose opinions I respect.

Mt-Phal, if you are in an area near an orchid society, you might want to consider visiting one of their meetings and see if that environment is more conducive to your educational aspirations.

Whatever you chose to do, remember that orchid growing for most of us on the OB is a hobby and not a competition and should be a fun experience. Do whatever gives you pleasure and fulfillment in your hobby.


Cym Ladye
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Old 09-24-2011, 07:23 PM
AHAB AHAB is offline
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Coconut Chips from Ray Male

It needs be said: knowledge needs to be shared, not just taken, often you learn a great deal when teaching others...

In life it is important to know the difference between people who want things for you versus the people who want things from you.
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Old 09-26-2011, 08:35 AM
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Coconut Chips from Ray Male

MT (if you're still here) - if my response to the apparent misunderstanding of your comments is what drives you away, please don't go. I don't think you realize how much we learn from you, too.

Frank - I pour hot water on them, mix in the chemicals, and let it stand over night. Pour it out and rinse once again with plant water, and use it right away.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:00 PM
glengary54 glengary54 is offline
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I have got to say that my experience on this Board bears no resemblance to what is described in a previous post to mine.

Yes there are people who as novices have nothing to offer in the way of advice, how could they, they are just learning with the help of our community.

Yes we are a community and as such we care about one another and are more than willing to help where our expertise allows, many of us are here everyday answering questions and following up with other members on advice given and the current status of their plants situation.

Pictures are a wonderful thing, when one is requested in an attempt to figure out what is wrong with a plant being discussed, how is that a bad thing? And after seeing the picture, if the person who requested it still can't figure out what is wrong with the plant, how can that be taken as a personal affront?

As too the arrogance of the more experienced members of this Board, a label that I wear proudly and have earned after growing orchids for more than 35 years, I just finished reading the 126 posts of the previous poster and found no evidence of anyone ever being arrogant, to the contrary, what I found were people going out of their way to be helpful, patiently sharing their expertise and hard earned knowledge, time and time again altruistically.

With the vast number of members on this Board, there are sure to be personality conflicts from time to time. I have experienced it myself, I didn't particularly like the tone that was taken in a response to a comment I made. I labored over a response and instead chose to keep my mouth shut and in the future not to interact with that person. That was one person, one time in over 3 years and 700+ posts.

I totally enjoy the time I spend here on the Board and have made plenty of new friends whom I am sure I will remain friends with for a very long time. The support, enthusiasm and selflessness of the Boards members is something for us all to be proud of.

This is, has been and always will be the "Best Orchid Board" on the net, if I must say so my self. I for one plan on being an active member for as long as I am involved with orchids and I don't ever see myself being without orchids in my life.

I'll climb down from my soapbox now and get back to what I enjoy most, talking orchid culture to people who really want to learn and share.
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:40 PM
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I beleive MT is trying to discredit Ray. Because from out of the blues he is complaining about the product Ray sold him then denies it on the next post; I read between the lines up to the part where he wants to leave "OB" because he can no longer learn from it. FYI: the moment you stop learning=you die!
Ray answered his question in a very civilized and polite way. I dont know why MT was suddenly offended and wants to say goodbye.
Well...this is a free country
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:55 PM
gnathaniel gnathaniel is offline
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I disagree, Bud, I think all MT is guilty of is maybe having a thin skin. I believe he started this thread out of an honest confusion about why his coconut chips were 'bleeding' brown and what that meant re: cleaning them of salts. I'm not entirely clear why he took such offense at being told the reason, but I don't think he intended any malice or discredit towards Ray. \

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Old 09-27-2011, 12:18 AM
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You have a kind heart Nat and I admire your faith in mankind:

But the title of the thread says it all:

"Coconut Chips from Ray"

then the opening sentence is:

Does anyone else have experience with chc they've purchased from Ray?

then continued on with his whining...

psychologically he wanted to hear someone say that Ray's stuff sucks...but no one says that but instead everyone was teaching him how to soak it, boil it and clean it...
then his final conclusion: you dont want to side with me then I turn against everyone by saying he is fed up with "OB" and decides to leave...
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Old 09-27-2011, 07:35 AM
Daethen Daethen is offline
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Coconut Chips from Ray Female

Glen, I think you stated things very well. I so agree with you on all points!!!!
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Old 09-27-2011, 07:45 AM
fishmommy fishmommy is offline
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Coconut Chips from Ray Female

I think its time to stop pychoanalyzing and get back to orchids
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Old 09-27-2011, 02:05 PM
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Right, Mommy! Lets go back to the blooms!
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chc, epsom, past, ray, water, chips, coconut

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