Hello all
Newbe here (and for Vandas !)
I live in the North West of UK. My story is I bought four out of flower and over watered half dead vanda plants(in vases) from a local garden center last year on a discount (they were still expensive with a 50% discount). They were from ANCO. Out of curiosity I rang ANCO and the owner had a long chat with me a gave me a few tips. Well the tips were to keep them dry, hang them out in the garden in the summer if I want, water weekly and fertilise two weekly. This I did (at least when I remembered) except hanging them out in the garden. They were by the living room window. To my surprise three out of 4 of them are blooming now (two blues and one light yellow - there were no species names on any of them).
I am more interested in them now

. I think they deserve a bit of a treat. my questions are
Should I hang them out in the garden. Anybody in the UK that keep vandas out in the summer
Do you then take them inside when its heavy rain (you know the typical British summer stuff
How often and what way do you normally feed them.
What fertiliser do you use that could be bought in UK
Do you need incecticide/fungicide etc when the plants are out. If so what would you suggest
I hope the experts on the forum could give me some suggestions.
Many thanks in advance. I can upload some photos if that could help identification (they all had anco tags though