Just my

n growing these
I believe they like to be wet & then dry out for 24/36 hrs or more? (depending on if potted or mounted & humidity)
I 'dip' mine every day and leave them to soak 13-15 mins once a week. I used to leave them to soak every day, but, as the mounts are breaking down at the moment I tend to just wet them by submerging the mount as long as possible holding them immersed... anywhere between 30seconds and a minute...
It's hellish trying to get them all to float & flowers & crowns not getting wet as they won't stay square!!..
What I have learned in my conditions is that I leave the 'top' off my bottle a 1/2 or 1 day when I soak for Long; so the roots dry out quicker & don't have time to rot...
I will take & post some pics of my 'funny' flower tomorrow.