I got mine!
I mounted it but
I wondered if has to be mounted like a Phalaenopsis, roots up, crown down? Does anybody know how it grows in it's natural habitat?
I was very pleased with the plant. I knew it was tiny but I didn't know it was *that* tiny. Compared to the leaves it has a massive root system, I was impressed by the amount and lenght of the roots.
The TC's are Phalaenopsis pulchra (leavespan 20 cm, and at least 7-8 leaves + a basal keiki) and a Vanda cristata.
I mounted the Phal. pulchra. It had so many roots that emerged from the stem (and more on its way) that it asked me to be mounted. And to be honest, I didn't know how to pot this baby - depite I've potted quit an amount of Phal. hybrids before.
Pictures to folow! I need to make some pictures with other items for size comparisson.
It was the first time I bought from Claessen Orchideeën and I have to say I'm very pleased with what I got and the way he communicated. The down side is that he understands English, but can't write it - so if you want to order from him in the future, answers on email can be delayed by that. (I always want to help with the order if you ask me, no problem!)
Oh and about the mailman

He showed me the box, started to shake it and turn around several times when he walked to my door and said: I think it's broken!

I grabbed the box out of his hands and almost screamed: *Don't!*

I told him it were live plants. I showed him the content of the box and asked him to *please* never shake with my packages again

First he saw tiny Haraella and said: what a large box for such a tiny plant

The mailman is used to deliver dog food here, or trainings items, like leashes, colars and toys. I think he'll never forget what he deliverd today and I bet he will be more careful with my packages in the future now I showed him the orchids inside the box.