Originally Posted by orchids3
Ray, Could you tell us how much methanol per gallon of final solution (ready to put on the plants) you would get using Jerry's grow. I have never used it myself but a lot of people I have talked too give it high marks.
I too give it high marks...one of the reasons that I'm concerned is because my stash is dwindling. After my 4 year hiatus from orchids, my collection was looking really awful. I had shoved all the survivors of the last hurricane into my only standing greenhouse and let nature take care of them until this summer. In September, I started watering & fertilizing (Jerry's Grow) again. My spidermite & mealy bug ladden plants fattened right up, multiple growths popped and a flush of roots went out. (Nuking them into submission with Isotox took care of the bugs). Plants that I should have tossed as "terminal" are showing robust signs of life. I wish I had taken before and after picts. I'm really sold on the stuff. I wish it were Spring...the plants would really be taking off. (As a side note, few of my friends had less than spectacular results with it, but that had to do with applying too much fertilizer (causing excessive, weak growth) and not providing enough light).
If you find out the "recipe", please let me know. I have been searching around for sources of Methanol (which I understand from a fellow poster, you have to be careful when handling it). I don't think its a problem obtaining it locally or via Internet.