Hey Terri...
My plants are outside and I typically water every other day (if it hasn't rained) and, no, the reservoirs are not empty when I do. When the temps are over 85 as they were during our heat wave a week or so ago, I water every day. It's basically a quick watering - just enough until the water starts draining from the weep holes. I also flush out the containers every 1 - 2 weeks.
But remember -I have been growing orchids for about 12 years and still consider myself a newbie. And even though I did my homework and researched everything about S/H extensively, I am basically new to this type of growing. I'm sure there are plenty others here with much more experience.
I would also like to add that nothing got moved over to S/H that wasn't actively growing (with the exception of one plant - a den farmeri), and their roots were meticulously cleaned and trimmed of anything that was remotely dead or rotten before transplanting. I have lost a couple of leaves here and there, but that was to be expected. Other than that, everything is putting up new growths except for the den farmeri, which had been stalled for the past three years while it was in bark, and a zygo, which had dropped all of its leaves while I was away during the winter. The zygo had begun to put up a new growth this spring before moving to S/H, but it hasn't grown at all since. The good news is that neither plant is declining, either.
Hope this helps.