Hi all,
I just changed all my orchids to S/ H, I think I did in the worst timing did't know I have to wait for new roots growing, the reason I change them all was because I travel for 3 months for work the person who helped me watering my orchids did the following:
For the first month she watered them every other day, (not following instructions) after that she realized she did wrong and she stopped watering them for 2 months:
Results 1 Phal with 2 aereal roots wrinkled and no roots, all the leaves dehydrated
2 nd 4 aereal roots no base roots
2 phals good root system don't know how they survived but all the bark was decomposed
1 Paph good conditions 1 long root some parts decomposed 1 new root bark decomposed
1 phrag just bought it awful bark and in moss the roots were around a sponge
My concerns are the next ones
1 and 2nd phals I re hydrated with the tea bag method they are doing great 1 is already giving new roots in 6 days but the other one hydrated no new roots I placed them in leca on top to see the roots I am not leaving the reserve of water until they have more roots
The other phals 1 have been in bloom for 2 years an 8 months pretty strong root system she has her own cycle 2 new flowers a leaf and 2 roots every 2 months she is growing a new spike also, should I cut the blooms, for her to settle quickly
The other phal has a good root system haven't bloomed for me in 5 years totally my fault it was my first orchid and she had 2 accidents 1 the pot felt down she breaked and I reported her in soil (shame on me) she was rootless in 1 week almost died, then I reported again and she start settling down, right now she has great roots, but when I changed to leca didn't see new grow
My paph I am really nervous about her, she is going to bloom about next week or so, when I re potted a new spout separated from the mother she had 4 little roots growing, the big one had 3 roots one was rotting by the bottom and the other 2 were in great conditions I trimmed the rotted part put her cinnamon and reported, now one of the little leaves is getting yellowish , my question here is how deep should I place her to receive moist
Phrag is loving it in a week I have watered her twice one of the older roots is going right through the reserve of water (should I worry depot her in a taller container.
Thanks in advance for your comments