!!! Well first I want to thank every one that responded to my question 'PrimeAgra.............etc.'
I looked at my growing area and noticed a few ..No not a few but...
ALL THE PROBLEMS MENTIONED (the capitals isn't my anger at any of you), the anger is at myself (I guess we all need good direction in our lives). I new Ray would probably mention some of the problems, he got all of them.
"However, more likely your growing conditions
(too hot and/or too dry and/or too much air flow) are simply allowing the evaporation rate to outstrip the wicking rate, and changing LECA probably won't change that."
I made adjustments: I had 4 Fans running; 1-Ceiling and 3 window---I turned off 2 windows and slowed down the third , I'm leaving the ceiling fan alone. My Florida Room is only about 90 sq. feet---I am going to keep the A/C off until the room reaches 85 to 88 digress F to keep the humidity high (the room is always around 60 to over 90 percent--at least in the summer)--As for the temperature "It's Florida...." I will turn on the A/C and once it has cooled the room down I will turn it off. I run the A/C from 11PM to when I wake up around 5AM. I'm also trying an experiment with the containers I'm growing in, I re-drilled the holes at about 2" instead of 1"-1 1/4", to allow for the my particular problems. I will keep all informed as to the success/or failure of these changes. Again I would like to thank all of you for your comments, especially rabata and a heads up to Ray
