For what it's worth
, I've used several LECA brands. Right now I'm on my second 40# bag of "Hydro-Crunch" It's a LOT different than past purchases. Very clean (just a bit dusty), very uniform in size, and VERY lightweight. It all floats.
I was worried when I bought my first bag, because of the "float" issue. Past brands had (guesstimate) about 4/5 sinking, 1/5 floating. Repotted some orchids that had been in LECA for years, some that I was converting from bark medium or mounts. All I moved into new medium went forward without a hiccup.
The only changes noticed were: less foreign substances (after soaking first batch), i.e., no weird "oil slicks" or nasty looking gunk; very uniform size, which to me appears more air spaces in pot; and did I mention it floats?
The up side of that is I don't space out as much when flushing/watering (or it starts floating out of pot). I can quickly go through all pots, and if whim hits me, do it again. A win/win for me, as I'm easily distracted.
Also, I don't bother to soak. I blast it with a hose to get off dust, and start potting. Oh yeah... it's also cheaper. I can get it for around a buck a pound.
It works, for me. And welcome to the board!