Beginner with a few sh questions
I just completed the design and build of an indoor grow chamber for my poor orchids that have endured low humidity, low light and low temperatures for several years. The grow chamber seems to be doing well so far, keeping temp and humidity in acceptable ranges with no temp or humidity controllers. I am converting my 6 orchids to sh using the dual pot method with water gauge.
I am using distilled water and Solo-e only. The directions on the Solo-e say to "Use at a rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water every two weeks, using plain water in-between"
So here is how I have implemented:
- Water with distilled/solo-e as needed for 2 weeks.
- Water with only distilled water for 2 weeks
- flush with tap water
- Repeat
I might add that I am NOT emptying the remaining water when I switch to only distilled.
My Q's:
1. Does that regimen seem correct?
2. Will tap water work OK for flushing? I don't know the TDS of my tap water, but would assume it is like most other municipal water supplies.