he is saying to make a little cover for the S/H that is in hot dry climates. The little cover will help Slow the evaporation and keep the top a bit more humid. So take a plastic lid and cut a hole for the plant to stick out of and problem solved. pretty cool Idea.
he is saying to make a little cover for the S/H that is in hot dry climates. The little cover will help Slow the evaporation and keep the top a bit more humid. So take a plastic lid and cut a hole for the plant to stick out of and problem solved. pretty cool Idea.
This is a thread about hansu.nahar's plant. I was writing that I can't tell what might be in hansu.nahar's photo of his Psychopsis in the thread above. Does anybody else have an idea of what hansu.nahar is showing on his plant?
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
This is a thread about hansu.nahar's plant. I was writing that I can't tell what might be in hansu.nahar's photo of his Psychopsis in the thread above.