Cattleyas suffering 2 years after repoting
I re-potted two large 10" pots and one smaller 6" pot of C.Jewell Box 'Dark Waters' in May 2013. I Put one large one in S/H and the other in bark. The smaller one which was back bulbs from a re-potting in 2008 I also moved to SH. Nether of the large plants has thrived. They both had 6 or 7 flower spikes with 3 to 5 blooms before re-potting. I have had these plants (or their ancestors) for more than 20 years with many divisions and re-pottings. My idea with the two types of medium was to see which worked best. They both are failing, except for the smaller one in S/H which is blooming and very happy. They are all in the same west window close to a south window which is shaded by an outdoor pergola. My only thought is to divide and clean up the large ones and re-pot them in the same medium they are in now and hope they will recover. They are all in active (if weak) growth. The last time they were divided was in 2008 but they have been re-potted every two years.
The pictures show the wrinkled leaves and two new leads on the one in S/H which are turning black.
Does any one have any ideas?
Last edited by jkrobins; 02-08-2015 at 03:59 PM..