Different pots for different folks (and orchids)
I've noticed that people with S/H questions often mention just "pot" or "container" as though there were just one type. It seems the most referenced is the standard 2-hole, 1" up from the bottom plastic pot like Ray sells, but there is also another type, more expensive, that is a 3-piece setup with water gauge. (both attached)
When I started experimenting with S/H about 3 yrs ago, I stumbled upon the 3-piece units, and as a newbie, that was probably the best way to start. With directions, I knew how high to fill the outer reservoir (with no holes in the outer pot, I was in control of the depth/saturation) and I knew, depending upon the orchid, how low on the gauge to go before re-watering, which was a great help for a newbie at the time. Think of it as S/H training wheels! ;-)
Since the 3-piece cost for a 6" pot is $13-$16. (Kelly's Korner and Hydro-Orchids) vs. $1.75 for a single 6" S/H container (at Rays), I gradually moved to the single pot system. With experience, I've learned to judge moisture levels by weight in the opaque pots.
However, one nice thing about the 3-piece gauged pots is I can put them at the very back of the shelf (with the other container types nearer the front) and tell at a glance if they need water by looking at the gauge. I don't have to wrestle them out to take a peek.