In more detail, Dr. Bill Argo (a Michigan State alumnus) of Blackmore Company got into discussions with his former professors about orchid nutrition, came up with the concept that phosphorus is a nitrogen diluent rather than a bloom booster, and tested it in the MSU orchid greenhouse.
They have the Greencare Company, a totally independent fertilizer formulator, make it for them, and Blackmore is the exclusive wholesale marketer.
The trade names don't even have "MSU" in them, they are the "Greencare Orchid Special for RO Water" and "...for Well Water", which is not for high TDS, per se, but for water supplies that already contain Ca and Mg. It was designed around the MSU water supply, as Pippin mentioned, but is general enough to be usable with most non-purified water supplies.
I am only aware of one other formula, and if I recall correctly, it has added potassium for places where the tap water is very low in it, like south Florida. (I'll have to check on that.)