A bit of backstory: I transferred my oncidium-type orchids to S/H about a month ago, because it seemed like they were in active growth. I moved a Twinkle, a Sharry Baby belonging to my mom, and a Hwra. Lava Burst "Puanani."
Then, about two weeks ago, I bought a seedling heat mat, thinking that would help speed up the transition.The Sharry Baby and Twinkle seem to be doing okay. The Twinkle lost a couple of leaves, but I can just see a tiny pseudobulb starting to emerge.
The problem is the Lava Burst. It was not doing well even when I bought it--the pb's were shriveled to almost flat, and it didn't have many roots. It's been hanging in there, and I thought the increased humidity might be good for it. It had a new growth forming, so I thought it was worth taking a shot with s/h for it. Since being on the heat mat, it's been losing leaves, to the point that it is only has two left. One pb is turning yellow (no leaves left) and today I saw the new growth looks like it's wet, like water is climbing up the shoot.
I think it's possible that new roots weren't growing when I transplanted it. I thought they were. Anyone have any advice? Is this little guy done for?
UPDATE: He's dead, Jim

The last pb is turning yellow, the roots are all dark brown, and the new shoot looks water-logged. I'm so disappointed! I really like this little guy! It was the first non-phal I ever had. I tried my best to save it