I'm extremely new to orchids. Several years ago I was given an orchid that has recently deteriorated rapidly. I put the last bit of it in a cup of water and it has started to regrow. I've read many people using this method to revive orchids. Has anyone used this method of growing orchids in plain water with a little bit of fertilizer for long periods of time? What have your results been like? Please let me know! Plus if you have any pictures those would be great!! Thanks, Brad
Yes I am currently growing a mini phal in a vase of water. It lost all of it's roots so about six months ago I put the crown in to some water with just a drop of fert. It has since put out three new leaves and just a few months ago it started a basal keiki.
Yes, I have a few that's been in water culture for at least 2 years and doing extremely well. These are in the Catt. alliance. I will try to post some pictures later.