Originally Posted by Ray
Josh: I recommend that KelpMax be applied at one tablespoon per gallon, and used as a drench no more frequently that once a month, on a routine basis.
Empiref: The producers claim that 1:500 won't do much, but they have never worked with orchids, and you seem to have disproven that, although maybe by halving the dose and using it twice as often, you're doing the same thing I recommend. My only caveat about that is that the stimulation cycle can take 14-21 days to start, reach a peak, then fade, so you might be "pushing it" a bit, which can be detrimental to the plant.
A general comment: in this and similar threads, I see a lot of assumption that all kelp products are the same, so can be used the same, and that is very far from the truth.
Thank you for your reply Ray;
When I first started using the product around 3 years ago; it was still called Kelpak, then they changed the name to Kelpmax. Back in the Kelpak days; the label had various dosages for crops, and 1:500 for ornamental flowers, I used that and stuck with it, since all my orchids are in S/H.
1 tablespoon is about 15 ml measured in a syringe, and one US gallon is 3.785 liters, is approx. 1:250?
Do you recommend that I increase the dosage and decrease the frequency to once a month?