Originally Posted by RJSquirrel
22-30 dollars for a little fancy bag of rocks. No thank you.
OK "Rocky", let me play devil's advocate for a moment, too.
And what, may I ask, are you paying for a similar bag of Orchiata?
You want to to go cheap, so be it. You want quality, it costs more.
So let's assume we don't use Orchiata, so buy fir bark at what? $20 for a 50 liter bag, maybe? So how often do we have to repot and replace it? In some places, annually at best. OK, maybe 2 years. If we have, on the other hand, put those plants in semi-hydroponics, using a medium that costs even considerably more, you still end up paying less in the long-term, as you need not replace the medium for many years, not to mention the reduced level of labor involved in doing so.