I actually repotted my phal into S/H in October, but went back to coconut chips for a short while, then back into S/H around January.
As for some background, I've had this phal for almost five years now and it has definitely seen some better days. But I'm doing all, I hope, that I can to see that blooms again. I repotted a couple days ago, soley to change it's orientation and pull a root tip away from the side of the container.
This is my phal, on my shelf... to the right of it is a window which gives a steady breeze through the day. You can see it's evolution over the past year by looking at it's leaves. The leaf on the far right, that is bent downward, is the last leaf to grow while in full coconut chips. It grew somewhat short, but very thick. It is pointing downward b/c the phal's orientation was different a year ago. The phal was healthy and doing well in this time; there was sap on the leaves, and roots were thick and actively growing.
On the far left, is the first leaf to grow after the switch to s/h. It is the biggest, healthiest, and was the fastest growing, leaf that I have seen on this plant in some time. The three smaller leaves grew after the switch back into s/h, and are a bit stunted.
This root so far was the only root to grow into the PA. I was really excited as I thought this guy would lead the charge, and the rest of my roots would follow suit. However, once it hit the side of the container, it decided to stop growing, the tip began to rot, and as you can see the rest of the root mysteriously follows suit. I am puzzled. I have a two more roots that are growing slow but steady, one of which is now in the media. I am going to flush more often and utilize more physan waterings, hopefully my other roots don't suffer through the same demise.