BTW, I have found the "swiveler" fixture helpful for positioning the light.
Yes, it is very helpful! She sells it as a combo.
I have been using it to supplement the light from my window and have had great results. I bought a new one that I am using to grow cats without any sunlight. I am hoping it works just as good too
Lady T. I usually follow normal daylight seasonal patterns i.e. approx. 14 summer, 10 winter and adjust timers accordingly.
My plants love wonderlite. There is a chart that suggests distances from the light itself that comes with the light. If you're considering adding one, but sure to get the "swiveler" fixture as well.
Hi I'm new here too I was interested to see you grow Catts this way. I have had really good success with Sarcochilius, Masdevalias and my one Dracula growing semi-hydropincally but I use Serimis or alpine grit in pots without holes and give a quarter of the pots capacity of water and feed. If I can find out how to post a photograph I will.