Originally Posted by Lorraine
I noticed that happening when I used too much of the smaller pieces. I have been putting larger pieces in a wood basket surrounding my repotted catts or vandas and even a few pieces in the clay pots. Using the bigger pieces allows more air to travel around the roots and still keeps the moisture level up. I totally wash & dry the whole bag, throw out the crumbles and size the pieces, sm, med, lg. Trial & error...I've tried a lot of different ways. If I could I'd love to get 1 giant piece of lava rock just to see who survives on it.
Lorraine and Kip;
I'm curious, when you say sort into small, medium, and large, is that approximately nickle, dime, and quarter size; or less that 1/4 inch, 1/4 - 1/2 inch, and larger than 1/2 inch; or do you just divide a bag into the smallest 1/3, medium 1/3, and largest 1/3?
I've been thinking about trying lava rock for my Dendro. 'Emma White' as it's gotten so big in semi-hydro that it's top heavy now. I need heavier base material.
Lorraine, if you want to find large pieces of lava rock, try a pet or aquarium shop. They often have large pieces for aquascaping since it's not as heavy as say a comparably sized piece of granite. And if you really want to go crazy, try your local landscape supply or stoneyard. Most local stoneyards not only carry the usual mulch, gravel, pavers, landscape blocks, etc. but also carry big accent stones for waterfalls, berms etc. They usually have lava rock in sizes from about a football up to a small car.