I am very interested in your experience since I have not yet succeded with aclandia, or any hybrids close to their acclandia heritage. They are the fussiest catts I have tried. Some have grown but never really thrived and root growth remained stingy, and very seasonal, whatever media I tried. I grow in a house with central heat but some of my other Catt hybrids grow and bloom like weeds year around and need yearly division to fit their space. I will keep trying and let you know.
If I lived in Fla. I would leave the plant in the media that it seems to do well in right now, gradually increase the light, and experiment when it has enough reserves to live on during a radical transition of to a very different media. In my opinion, your plant only has marginal reserves built up right now. I would only consider increasing the size of the pot so you don't have to water every day, or even, put the current pot into a larger pot with lecca without disturbing the roots.
Last edited by Sun rm.N.E.; 06-13-2009 at 02:28 PM..