Well then go for it.
I would suggest the following:
1. make sure the prime agra is clean.
2. pre soak the prime agra in the kln solution 24 hrs.
3. clean ALL dead and excess plant matter from the roots as well as all prior media.
4. soak the den in kln solution to soak off the old media.
5. plant it and use the kln as the first watering.
I have also done this to a few plants that were not doing anything in the bark media. I have had a pretty good success ratio, but you need to watch them. The old roots will rot so keep the plant clean. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the new roots to start growning. The wonderful thing about s/h is that you can pluck the plant out, inspect roots and pop it back in the pot with no stress to the plant and it only takes a few minutes and the prime agra can be boiled to clean it to reuse at another time.
