Well, it's been a little over 3 months since starting this little guy in water culture. While it is possible, I think I'll have to agree with Sun rm.N.E. about phals in water culture.
It is still growing, a very nice healthy green, but the roots are simply not growing as they should. There are many small root nubbins, but they refuse to develop much beyond that point.
I plan to move this little guy to a sphag/CHC mix when I get home from college. I think it will be happier grown in a more conventional manner.
Sorry I don't have any recent pics. As I said, it's been growing slowly, so there's not much new to see. I had fun experimenting with this little guy though, and I encourage others to experiment like this as well. At the very least, it was a great way to propagate this Doritis, as the division had hardly any roots when I first got it. Although it is not flourishing, it is surviving well and this was a great way for me to keep it going until I could pot it up in a more traditional media.
I'll still be experimenting with water culture though! I am having success with a Ludisia discolor cutting, an Encyclia cochleata keiki, and I received 2 orchids from a friend that are tried and tested mermaids!