Two things:
Don't just consider pH of the water, look at the alkalinity, as well. Alkalinity is a form of buffering, in this case, resisting the effect of an acid to lower the pH.
I also think you're missing the action of the plant, which is not a simple uptake situation.
As a plant absorbs a nutrient ion, it must secrete a compensatory ion to maintain neutrality. If it absorbs a nitrate ion, with is negatively charged, it must secrete a negatively charged ion into the rhizosphere (including the solution in it), which raises the pH. If it absorbs an ammonium ion (+), it secretes a "plus" ion, lowering the rhizoshpere pH.
That is why I reformulated K-Lite (2% ammonium, 98% nitrate) to K-Lite Plus (15% ammonium, 85% nitrate), to give more balance.