Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
sweet- and thanks again
i have four or five other orchids that are like this one in that i got them as a replacement or a gift or something and i don't know a darn thing about them...
my new project is to compile a list of the plants i have (and maybe number them for a real pretend scientific analysis) and in so doing i hope to educate myself more about ALL of them, especially the ones i don't know at all LOL
IOSPE is a great place to start. Ignore the icons...they are very inaccurate. Look at the text, that describes habitats. I look at it from a little different viewpoint, I'm trying to figure out what I can get away with outdoors, so on the equator in south America, I'm pushing it below about 1200 m, a little higher is better. The "intermediate" range is around 800 or 900 m to maybe 1100 m or a little more. Lower, and it's tropical.
These are just very rough estimates, rules of thumb that help me decide, at a show, whether or not to buy something.
I mention South America as a benchmark,those elevation ranges work well for me in figuring out what to grow where. Asian and Pacific island orchids don't seem to be as forgiving - I think higher humidity, and the lows not quite so low. Madagascar, probably because of weather patterns, seems to have the "cooler" region start at significantly lower elevations... the capitol, Antananarivo, is only about 1200 m but gets down to freezing in winter. Which is great, because a lot of Angraecoids grow very well for me outside.