Before I switched my two orchids over to semi-hydro, I used my fish tank water alone for a majority of the waterings. I've had them bloom while I was using just fish tank water, but that was when I wasn't watering my orchids enough. Stressed them until they bloomed I suppose.. I would still add in fertilizer every second or third watering since a healthy tank does not have enough nitrates. I tried using fish tank water for semi-hydro but it got stinky..
I still use the fish tank water for the plants I have in soil. It's honestly a lot easier just dipping in my 1.5l watering jug into the tank to fill since the plants are on top / very near the tank. Lately I've been using regular tap water with some miracle grow fertilizer, a drop per liter of Seachem Flourish (Old bottle of micros meant for fish tanks that I very rarely use anymore), a drop a liter of superthrive, and .5mL/L of seaweed extract. Ever since I switched to using tap water with additives, my plants look WAY happier and are exploding with growth.
The best fish tank water to use would be a high-tech planted tank with EI fertilizer dosing since it is purposely over fertilized with NPK and Micros. Even then, I still don't think that it has enough nutrients for plants, but surely has tons of micros in it to suppliment fertilizer. My tank generally runs around 10-20ppm nitrates, and I think I read people are using 150ppm nitrate for their semi-hydro orchids.
Last edited by ridethespiral; 09-23-2013 at 02:21 PM..