Ok so I have finished my first formula

it is 20-20-20 and has trace minerals Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, and Sulfur. It is meant to be used with a weak weekly application (Lol an alliteration I have picked up in my studies).
I am looking for people to try it out. If you meet the requirements you will receive 1 month(4 weeks) worth of fertilizer which is meant to be applied weekly.
Here are the requirements you must meet to be able to take place in this study.
1. You must have two similar plants (at least the same type).
2. Have the ability to photograph and post pictures of the plants (If the photos can be taken daily the postage will be free).
3. Love orchids.
What you will do is once a week water one plant with my fertilizer and water the other plant with another fertilizer. Every day you will take a picture of each plant (make sure you remember which is which). At the end of the month you will send the pics and any comments you have to me via email. During that time please send me any comments you have.
This formula is urea free, completely organic to those who it concerns but it is not vegan or vegetarian friendly.